Mrs. Tanisha Whitaker » Guided Reading Level A-L Skills

Guided Reading Level A-L Skills

Level A Skills

Can hold a book

Show & name front of a book

Show & name back of a book

Tell what a period is.

Knows where to start reading and which way to go.

Understands the difference between letters and numerals.

Understands that letters make sounds and are used to make words

Can hear beginning sounds of words

Can hear when words are the same or different

Uses prediction to figure out unknown words based on picture clues and/or beginning sounds

Level B Skills

Can find and know the purpose of: title, title page

Ellipsis (…)

Exclamation point

Word families: -at, -am, -ot, -og

Can hear ending sounds

Understands that adding s to the end of a noun means more than one

Meaning clues with pictures (Semantics)

Prediction based on title & cover picture (What is this story going to be about?)

Can write a simple phrase

Level C Skills

Distinguishes between words and sentences

Word Families: -an    -ad   -ig     -it

Distinguishes between the beginning/ending of a sentence

Quotation marks means someone’s talking

Purpose of a question mark

Recognizes Speech Bubbles

Return Sweep

Can find author/illustrator

All letter sounds except soft c & g

Hears rhyme

Understands the concept of compound words

Can tell a story in order

Prediction in a story

Independently writes a sentence with I (ex. I can run.)

Can tell a complete simple sentence

Level D Skills

Using a comma to pause

Recognizes suffixes (s, es, ing)

Knows what the author & illustrator does

Knows what a ? is

Word Families (-ug, -et)

Hears medial sounds in words

Contractions with is (he’s, she’s it’s)

Contraction I’m


Writes a telling sentence

 Identifies main character’s feelings

Answers questions about a story

Level E Skills

Can tell what an apostrophe is in contractions

The l Blends(bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl)

Hears medial sounds in words

Contractions with not

Recognizes root words

Suffix –ed

Identifies main character

Can write all sight words through level D

Independently writes a simple question

Level F Skills

Can identify an apostrophe in possessives

Word families: -all, -ame, -ake, -ive

Soft c and g

Consonant digraphs: sh, ch, th, wh

Contractions with will

Comparative (er) and Superlative (est)

Recognizes possessive-‘s

Meaning clues using text, ie, cloze (semantics)

Writes more complex sentences (such as using adjectives)

Level G Skills

Reads Bold Print and/or Print Size

r-blends: br cr dr fr  gr pr tr

Contractions with are(We’re , They’re, You’re)

Distinguishes between: fantasy & realism

Writes sentences that show possession

Word Families: -ode, -ice, -ide, -ail, -ain, -ack,

-ick, -ock, -uck, -eep, -all, -ook

Level H Skills

Print Size for Inflection

Uses personal pronouns in writing

Word Families: -ow, -out, -ing, -ang, -ong,

-ung, -aw, -ound

Level I Skills

Number of syllables in an oral word

Recognizes nouns

Recognizes verbs

Writes 2 sentences about a topic

Level J Skills

Recognizes adjectives

Level 2 Skills (K)

Identifies the beginning/end of paragraphs

Explicit Main Idea

Cause and Effect

Compare and Contrast

Uses dictionary & glossary skills for word meanings

Writes 3 sentences about a topic

Uses commas in a series of items

Level 3 Skills (L)

Table of Contents



Headings and Subheadings


R-controlled Vowels

Writes 3 sentences about a topic using appropriate punctuation & capitalization