Discipline Plan

A warm and orderly environment is necessary for successful learning to take place in the classroom.  To guarantee that your child and all the other children in my classroom have the excellent educational climate they deserve, we will need to work together to provide a positive learning environment.  Therefore, I have the following classroom rules:

  1. Be Kind. (No negative comments or “ugly” language or name calling.  Keep your hands and feet to yourself.  No hitting, kicking, pinching, pushing, slapping, biting, etc.)  
  2. Be Safe. (No running inside.  Sit correctly in your seats.  Don't swing jackets, lunchboxes, or book bags around.)  
  3. Be Responsible.  (Follow all other rules. Stay seated. Raise your hand.  Do as you are asked.  Follow procedures.) 

These rules are fairly standard and are rules your child will see throughout our school.

If a rule is broken (after redirection, modeling, and reteaching has occurred and sufficient warnings have been given) your child will pull a card that reminds them of the rule they need to practice or have broken and place it behind their name.  When a card is pulled, your child and I will have a conference about his or her choices.  During the conference your child and I will:

  • discuss the decision or choice they made
  • brainstorm or role play as to how they can make better choices next time
  • give consequences as I feel necessary (timeout, removal from activity, call home/note home in agenda book, not every consequence fits every child or situation)

This is an important part of the “card system” because it encourages children to accept the responsibility of their actions and shows them that they have control over their behavior choices and can make a better choice starting at any given moment.  We will be modeling and practicing positive choices throughout the year and will focus on being firm, fair, and consistent.  If your child pulls: 

  •  0-1 card; they will receive a green smiley face in their agenda book, unless the behavior was a major offense
  • 2 cards; they will receive a yellow face and note explaining behavior
  • 3 cards; they will receive a red face and note explaining behavior
  • 4 or more; they may be removed from the class and sent to the Reflection Room (you will be contacted immediately) 

If a negative pattern of behavior occurs, I will certainly contact you so that we can get together and figure out a solution that best supports your child.  This allows us to ensure that we proceed with the best interest of your child in mind and enable children to make better choices in the future.  Our goal is to keep you informed and involved as we can empower students to be responsible for their choices, and keep the classroom running efficiently and effectively.  Please know that some behaviors require an automatic trip to the Reflection Room, such as fighting, profanity, stealing, throwing things, etc.  If your child is sent to the Reflection Room, you will receive a call from the school at that time and you will also receive a call from me or the referring teacher at the end of the school day.   

     It is extremely important for you to check your child’s agenda book each and every day. Showing your little one that their behavior choices are important to you reinforces our efforts in school tenfold. To help you remember, I ask that you initial the agenda book every day so that I know you have seen it.  Please be sure to write anything that you feel I need to know or you feel you need to ask.  I love the positive inspiration this system encourages as well as the teamwork that naturally occurs between students, teachers, and families. I look forward to working with you and watching your child grow and learn this year! Thank you very much for your support. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.